L5Y PACJA 5 P 1 123456
Every CLS manufacturer assigns a unique ID called Vehicle Identification number (VIN) to each vehicle. This VIN length is 17 digits and is composed of letters and digits holding basic vehicle specification.
All databases in an automotive industry search through a VIN:
Standard | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | ||
ISO 3779 | WMI | VDS | VIS | ||||||||||||||||
EU & North America more than 500 vehicles/year |
WMI | Vehicle Attributes | Check Digit | Model Year | Plant Code | Sequential Number | |||||||||||||
EU & North America 500 or fewer vehicles/year |
WMI | 9 | Vehicle Attributes | Check Digit | Model Year | Plant Code | Manufacturer Identifier | Sequential Number |
VIN can be found typically at these locations:
More details can be found in CLS VIN FAQ.
Also do not forget to physically check the technical condition of your CLS vehicle. Either in an authorized CLS service or by an experienced car mechanic.
Check of a CLS vehicle history is usually the first step so don't hesitate to enter VIN into a search field below.
Companies with a large volume of VINs can access services:
easily with CLS VIN Decoder API. Request access now.