Maxi-CUBE VIN decoder

What can be decoded from a Maxi-CUBE VIN?

Decode a Maxi-CUBE VIN number with Vincario to get
  • Maxi-CUBE vehicle identification number verification
  • Vehicle technical specification
  • Manufacturer details
  • Model year
  • Plant location
  • Check digit validity
European vehicles also add
  • Odometer reading
  • VIN check in 6 national police databases of stolen vehicles
    • Czech Republic
    • Hungary
    • Lithuania
    • Romania
    • Slovenia
    • Slovakia
    • Vincario - Our own database of stolen cars, motorbikes, trucks etc.
  • Real Vehicle Market Value
    • Learn what's the common vehicle price and odometer reading on the market.
Vehicle report example:

6F8 00000 0 0 B 123456

Freighter Australia Manufacturing Pty L
Manufacturer Address:
233-243 Learmonth Road, Wedouree 3355, Australia
Plant Country:
Product Type:
Freighter Flatdeck, Freighter Skeletal, Reefer
Number of Axles:
Length (mm):
Width (mm):
Height (mm):
Weight Empty (kg):
Wheelbase (mm):
Wheel Size:
385/65 R22,5 160K
Check Digit:
Sequential Number:
Max Weight (kg):
Track Rear (mm):
Track Front (mm):
Common market price and odometer reading by a model year (example).
Average odometer and price
Market overview comparing Price and Odometer reading (example).
Market overview comparing Price and Odometer reading
Price distribution (example).
Average odometer and price
Enter Maxi-CUBE VIN into a search field above to double check what vehicle details are available.

What is a Maxi-CUBE VIN?

Every Maxi-CUBE manufacturer assigns a unique ID called Vehicle Identification number (VIN) to each vehicle. This VIN length is 17 digits and is composed of letters and digits holding basic vehicle specification.

All databases in an automotive industry search through a VIN:

  • Maxi-CUBE manufacturer database
  • Maxi-CUBE importer/exporter database
  • Maxi-CUBE dealer database
  • Maxi-CUBE workshops and spare parts suppliers
  • National vehicle databases
  • Police databases
  • Databases of insurance companies
  • Databases of private companies

Maxi-CUBE models

Drive Freighter
Dry Freighter
Freighter Dropdeck
Freighter Flatdeck
Freighter Skeletal
Meat Hanger

Maxi-CUBE VIN Number schema

Standard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
EU & North America
more than 500 vehicles/year
WMI Vehicle Attributes Check Digit Model Year Plant Code Sequential Number
EU & North America
500 or fewer vehicles/year
WMI 9 Vehicle Attributes Check Digit Model Year Plant Code Manufacturer Identifier Sequential Number

Where is a VIN Number Located on a Maxi-CUBE vehicle?

VIN can be found typically at these locations:

  • VIN embossed on a vehicle frame in the engine area
  • Windshield on the driver's side corner
  • Doorjamb at driver’s side
  • Vehicle documentation
    • Vehicle registration documents
    • Purchase contract
    • Insurance or Lease policy

More details can be found in Maxi-CUBE VIN FAQ.

Maxi-CUBE Vehicle Inspection

Also do not forget to physically check the technical condition of your Maxi-CUBE vehicle. Either in an authorized Maxi-CUBE service or by an experienced car mechanic.

Check of a Maxi-CUBE vehicle history is usually the first step so don't hesitate to enter VIN into a search field below.

Maxi-CUBE VIN Decoder API

Companies with a large volume of VINs can access services:

easily with Maxi-CUBE VIN Decoder API. Request access now.

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